Window XP Password Reset

     Login XP with Default Administrator from Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, we can logon with the built-in Administrator user account and reset lost password with this account if we didn’t change its password or can access it.
A. Start Windows XP computer and press F8. Choose “Safe Mode” and press “Enter” key at the Advanced Boot Option windows.
B. On the login screen, select the Administrator account and keep the Password column blank (or input the changed password if the default Administrator account password has been reset).
C. Click Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Choose the account needed to reset password -> Change the password.
D. Input a new password and confirm it to finish XP password reset.

 Remove Forgotten XP Password with Administrative Account

If there is still another user account which we remember with administrative privileges, we can opt it for Windows XP password recovery.
Restart system and boot the system into Safe Mode. Click on the icon for the administrators account at the Account Log on Screen. Once system has booted to the XP pc, reset password with following steps.
A. Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management.
B. Double click Local Users and Groups -> folder Users.
C. Right click the account user name which password was lost, then click Set Password.
D. Reset password – keep New Password and Confirm Password blank.
E. After finished, restart PC and login.

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